Although online banking is safe and secure, you should always take special precaution when banking online. Use these tips as a guide to ensure you are protecting your account:
Choose a unique login
When creating your account login, choose something that is unique and not easy to guess. Avoid your birthdate, address or Social Security number. Also, make sure your online bank account login is different than other website logins.
Keep your login private
Your login information is important to the protection of your account; memorize it and avoid writing it down. Keep your login to yourself. If, for any reason, you do share it with another person, change it right after.
Check your balance often
You should check the balance of your online bank account on a regular basis. By doing so, you ensure your account is safe and protected against unauthorized use.
Update your software
Make sure your computer or laptop is protected with a good security software program and antivirus software. Investing in a quality antivirus program will guarantee your chances of security.
Secure your internet connection
If you have a wireless network at home, make sure you have activated the security settings on your router to prevent others from accessing it.
Avoid public computers
Avoid accessing your online banking account from a public computer. If you have to do so, never leave it unattended and always log out right after you’ve finished your banking session.
Don’t Share Account Information – Be Cautious of Emails
A popular way hackers gain access to your online banking account is through deceptive emails designed to look like it is from your financial institution. These emails contain a link to log in to your online banking account. Always check the sender’s email address. If it looks suspicious, do not reply to the email or enter your login information and contact Mountain Community immediately.